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Ranwarat Poonsri. 2013. “Miss Joaquim: Hybridity and Plural Identities in Singaporean Woman Writers’ Literary Works.” The 8th Asian Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 22-26 July 2013.
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Ranwarat Poonsri. 2012. “Singapore Women’s Paradoxical Identity: Singapore Women’s Identity Crisis in Catherine Lim’s Following the Wrong God Home and Bell Jar.” Arts beyond Boundaries: Chulalongkorn Academic Fair, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2012.
Ranwarat Poonsri. 2012. “The Pursuit of Happiness in Philippines Woman’s Banana Heart Summer.” The 4th International Conference on Literature and Comparative Literature: Constructing ASEAN Spirit Dialogues between ASEAN Writers, Department of Comparative Literature, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2012.
Ranwarat Poonsri. 2012. “Happiness of Elderly Women in Thai Novels, 1982-2009.” The 3rd International Conference on Literature and Comparative Literature: Literary Studies and Globalization (Haunting and globalization: Symptoms of the Present, Images of Women in the Globalized Contexts), Department of Comparative Literature, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2011.
Ranwarat Poonsri. 2012. “The Desire of Elderly Women in Globalized Age: Khun Yai Sai Diew and www.grandma.com (Thai Novels).” The 2nd International Conference on Literature and Comparative Literature, Department of Comparative Literature, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2010.